Services and Fees

We are here to help make your work the best it can be. We have to be objective and we may offer an opinion or advice on aspects of your work. At the end of the day, however, it is your work and whether you are an author or a small business owner or a large company, it has to sound like you or fit your profile.

What we offer

Articles     Essays    Reports     Manuals     Novels     Website Content     Advertisements     Flyers     Newsletters    Resumes     Prospectuses     Brochures     Books        Memoirs   Memos     Letters         Magazines     Billboards    Graphic Design   Cover Design    Logo Design      Book Design & Layout       Report Formatting & Design    Infographics    Typography

Substantive or developmental editing: addressing large scale, general problems in the manuscripts, rephrasing sentences to improve clarity and flow, eliminating repetition of awkward wording, fact checking, chapter reorganisation, improving overall phrasing, generally suggesting changes that would improve readability. This is the most intensive form of editing, generally looking at the ‘big picture’.

Copy editing: checking for overall style consistency, correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalisation, syntax, flagging up ambiguous or factually incorrect statements.

Proofreading: final check of the electronic file or hard copy for minor mistakes such as spelling, punctuation, spacing, font consistency, before content is published.

You can opt for any of the above, or a combination of all three. We can help you decide what you need.

What we charge

Our rates are based on how many pages we can complete in an hour (standard 250 words/page). This can range between:
8-12 pages/hour for proofreading
4-8 pages/hour for editing.

It does, however, depend on the complexity of the work required. Some documents are more time-consuming than others and require detailed line editing which will be reflected in our quote. This is why we ask to see a sample of the work first. It gives us an idea of the nature of the project and how much work it requires. We can then quote accordingly.

Our rates are flexible depending on whether simple and straightforward proofreading is required, or work that entails addressing large scale, general problems in the manuscripts (developmental editing). Talk to us and we can probably come up with something that is mutually acceptable.

Indicative rates:

Articles/essays: Starting from Rs 15,000 (depending on length and content)
Books/novels: Rs 175,000 – Rs 500,000 (depending on length and content)
Reports /manuals: Starting from Rs 25,000 
Proofreading of academic submissions: Starting from Rs 35,000

Book design and layout: Rs 150,000 – Rs 300,000
Logo design: Rs 10,000 – Rs 15,000
Report formatting & design: Rs 80,000 – Rs 150,000
Infographic: Rs 20,000 – Rs 50,000
Cover design: Rs 25,000 – Rs 50,000

Call us for an initial discussion. We will need a brief synopsis of your work and a sample set of paragraphs or chapter of a book in order to provide an accurate quote. For some projects, payment in full is required prior to the start of services. For larger projects, one half of the fee is required up front, with the balance due upon completion. Submissions must be double-spaced, 12 point size, Times New Roman or Arial font, with one inch margins all round.  {line-height: 2em;}